After several years of steadily rising costs and reduced revenue—including a $3 billion quarterly net loss in 2021 and $90 billion overall since 2007—the United States Postal Service is making some changes. Effective October 1, your mail might take a little longer to arrive at its destination.
According to CBS 4, the USPS is shifting the delivery window of first-class letters, flat envelopes, and magazines. Instead of arriving within three days from mailing, it could take up to five days. It’s possible you may not notice a significant change. The USPS has said that the majority of first-class mail will still arrive in under three days, unless it has to travel coast to coast.
Residents of Florida, southern Texas, and states west of the Rocky Mountains may see delays, with the USPS estimating 50 percent to 70 percent of mail circulating could be slowed down. Overall, 61 percent of first-class mail should remain on course.
The longer delivery windows are a result of reduced air mail transportation and a renewed focus on ground mail, which the USPS says will result in more efficient operations, as ground mail isn’t as susceptible to weather interruptions and more mail can be shipped at one time.
The plan was originally proposed in March 2021. You’ll see changes sooner than October, though. The price of a stamp will rise from 55 cents to 58 cents on August 29.
[h/t CBS4]
USPS Is Slowing Mail Delivery in Some States—See How You Might Be Affected
Source: Philippines Wonders