Missing out on an education from a fancy private college becomes a lot more tolerable when it’s time to pay off your student loans. Here’s another reason why you shouldn’t feel bitter about any Ivy League rejection letters you received in the past: Even a degree from one of the world’s top universities won’t save you from embarrassing typos.
To see which Ivy League schools produce the worst spellers, Transcription Outsourcing, LLC combed the subreddits for each of the eight Ivy League colleges and universities in the U.S. to determine which forums had the most spelling mistakes per 100 words. If the university’s Redditors are an accurate representation, Columbia in New York is home to the worst spellers of all the Ivies. Forty-one percent of all comments posted to the forum had at least one spelling error, and the average comment contained .77 misspelled words.
Behind it is Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It may have a reputation for being the world’s top college, but people posting to the institution’s subreddit let misspellings slip into two out of every five comments. Princeton is next on the list, followed by Cornell in fourth place. You can view Transcription Outsourcing’s full ranking below.
- Columbia University // New York City
- Harvard University // Cambridge, MA
- Princeton University // Princeton, NJ
- Cornell University // Ithaca, NY
- Brown University // Providence, RI
- Dartmouth College // Hanover, NH
- Yale University // New Haven, CT
- University of Pennsylvania // Philadelphia
If you want to feel smarter than the Ivy Leaguers on Reddit, consider honing your spelling skills. Here are the most commonly misspelled words in the English language.
These Ivy League Schools Have the Worst Spellers, According to Their Subreddits
Source: Philippines Wonders