Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the stress of traveling has reached new heights. In addition to the normal anxieties of packing and getting to the airport on time, travelers now have to worry about COVID tests, quarantine windows, and other local regulations that seem to change by the minute. If the coronavirus hasn’t stopped you from planning a trip in 2022 (or dreaming about one, at least), this online tool from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) can prepare you for your journey.
The IATA’s COVID-19 travel regulations map features up-to-date restrictions and requirements for entering countries around the world. The full map is color-coded to show the levels of precaution being taken to mitigate the spread of COVID. Countries depicted in dark blue are totally restrictive, countries in lighter blue are partially restrictive, and the lightest shade of blue indicates no restrictions. Countries in gray have recently updated their regulations and are currently under review.
Clicking on a country brings up the latest travel policies related to the virus. The regulations may include details regarding COVID tests, vaccinations, and quarantine and self-isolation times, as well as how restrictions vary depending on where you’re traveling from. This list for each country comes with a publish date, so you know how current your information is.
If you’re anxiously checking for travel updates ahead of an international trip, IATA’s website makes it easy to stay up to date. The map is also useful for planning a vacation in the time of COVID. Figuring out which countries are welcoming foreign travelers at any given time can be overwhelming, and the tool lets you browse many potential destinations from one place.
Once you’ve figured out how to get into a foreign country during a pandemic, you still have to worry about keeping yourself and the people you’re traveling with safe. Here are some tips for staying healthy on flights.
Use This Tool to Check International COVID Restrictions Before Planning Your Next Trip
Source: Philippines Wonders